Solvitur ambulando /ˈsɒlvɪtər ˌæmbjʊˈlændoʊ/ is a Latin phrase which means "it is solved by walking" and is used to refer to a problem which is solved by a practical experiment. It is often attributed to Saint Augustine.
The phrase is cited in "Walking" (1861) by Henry David Thoreau and in The Songlines (1986) by Bruce Chatwin in its first meaning. Chatwin, who "passionately believed that walking constituted the sovereign remedy for every mental travail". (wiki)
I found this phrase in one of the prayers included in Life Lessons. 125 Prayers and Meditatons by Julia Cameron
What do I mean by 'walking coaching' then?
we meet and walk and talk
You must know the feeling. You have a problem, you call a friend and go for a walk to a park together. An hour or so later, the issue has decreased in size and gravity, there is some hope, ideas and solutions have popped up, it feels like it's figureoutable.
Sure thing - you might say - it's obvious: fresh air, nature, a friend to talk to. I can't agree more!
add to that the element of walking with a coach, who will actively listen, ask you questions encouraging a different perspective, attitude, approach or solution
There's a growing body of evidence and popularity of walking therapy where the therapist and their client walk during the session. It has something to do with tactile bilateral stimulation (and walking is precisely that! left, right, left, right) and how it helps shift patterns in the brain (audio and visual bilateral stimulation has been reported as successful in treating PTSD during the EMDR process).
Back to walking coaching...
If you have something going on, and perhaps feel like you have no-one to talk to and if you feel like doing some more movement would do you well, get in touch.
The issues I especially love working with:
- self-care (what it really, truly and deeply means)
- relationships (with oneself, as well as others, sisterhood, friendship, romantic)
- money (feeling like there's not enough, debt, problems with visibility, valuing or promoting yourself)
- inner shadow - all the things we dislike about ourselves and push away (accepting, embracing, integrating, alchemising)
- mindful self-compassion (more of that please!)
- transitions (moving house, changing jobs or careers, break ups)
- embracing change through continuous improvement - Kaizen
Unlike many other coaches out there, I will not be setting targets or goals for you to achieve (and... nothing wrong with those of course!). I feel that we all primarily, at a deeper level simply want to be heard and acknowledged, witnessed in a safe, open space. Sometimes all we want is a gentle reflection from a compassionate observer, rather than an action plan or advice and instructions on what to do.
In short: if you want to move more, get some fresh air and have someone to talk to, get in touch.
A typical session is between 90 and 120 minutes long.
I am happy to meet in the following spaces and explore them with you:
Uphill Nature Reserve
Sandpoint Beach and/or Sandpoint
Weston Beach
I also visit London every 5-6 weeks, happy to meet you there Londoners! I tend to avoid Hyde and Regent's Parks as a little bit too 'commercial' and 'inner city' AND if this is what you prefer - I'm open!
For anybody who's working with me for the first time, the first session is an offering at a discounted price: £85
I like allowing a greater space for the processes to unfold gently and organically, therefore I recommend a larger container to be optimal. If you want to talk and walk more and turn it into a more extended practice, consider a package of three (£300) or six (£550) sessions.
Standard price for one session: £120
You may decide to start with the first session offering and then continue with a 5-session package, or not.
All sessions, including the package, need to be paid for in advance.
I have a 24-hour cancellation policy. If a session is cancelled less than 24 hours before the agreed time, I'd like to honour my time and preparation and retain £25.